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Traits That Every Entrepreneur Should Have | Butz Bartolome

Butz Bartolome shares business advice.

The success formula is more than knowing what you need to do and building a solid character to fully reach your potential to succeed in your chosen field. To start a business takes a lot of courage, commitment, and perseverance.

Success is achieved through hard work. It is not for the faint of heart to make it much easier to understand. A successful entrepreneur needs to be strong-willed to come up with new ideas to re-invent himself for the improvement of his business. With his strong character is a heart that understands his employees. The core of every business is the people that work in it. Employees will only stay if they feel that they are treated accordingly.

Studies have shown that successful people had a distinguishing factor from those who just give up easily. While they were still kids, these successful entrepreneurs were never afraid to take risks. They do not care what other people might think about their actions or decisions because they are more focused on achieving a desirable result. Sometimes they have been considered weird because of how they feel differently.

There have been so many success stories that we have heard before and incredible stories of how they all first started and struggled their way to become successful. Individuals may have a common goal – to be financially independent. But to reach the top, the following traits are fundamental for entrepreneurs to have.

Surround yourself with people that share the same passion as you have. Being in an environment that allows the exchange of ideas and realizing different principles can help achieve a plan appropriate for the kind of business that one wants to start with.

When you engage yourself with those who have the knowledge or vast experience in the business. You allow yourself to immerse your thoughts in all the possibilities, whether they are positive or negative outcomes. This gives you a vivid picture of what you are about to go through. And you will be assured that these people can be relied on once you need advice as you go through the business.

Able to identify your strengths and weaknesses. To become a good leader to your employees, you need to know their needs as your partners in building up your business. You can best achieve your potential of being successful when you mold yourself in a way that will not conform to what others may think about you. You need to make yourself grow and see how you develop into someone who needs to be and not what others want you to be.

Never cease to learn. Learn before you earn. A true entrepreneur is never afraid to accept the changes that go through the journey. You have to improve yourself by continuously learning new technology, formulating plans and strategies that may help improve the kind of business that he has. You must know the company’s history to be able to apply new ideas that can make the industry move forward. Along with this is building a network that will support you in your future endeavors.

Initiate action. There is no sense in wasting time. Anything that needs to be done should be given priority. Being paralyzed at one point during the process hinders progress. And what is the goal of an entrepreneur? To be successful. And for that to be achieved is to be a go-setter. The enthusiasm that an entrepreneur has affects the people that surround you. If everyone works at the same pace as yours, achieving the goal is not far behind.
The difference between a successful entrepreneur and an ordinary person is that an entrepreneur makes time to accomplish tasks right away. Taking action now means getting results quicker.

Accept a challenge. Entrepreneurs should not be fearful of the challenges that come along their way. Some people see failure as the time to stop pursuing what has been started. To be fearless is to take heed of the challenges and learn from them to come up with better decisions. The attitude of an entrepreneur should always be positive to make things work just as he has planned.

A few times in our lives, we found ourselves at a loss because of defeat, fear of accepting the change, or unrealized goals. Nothing is ever easy, but to keep a positive perspective, is one step closer to success.

Just think of all those people who have succeeded in life. They needed to go through the worst before becoming the best. If you replicate how they have gone through, there is no stopping from reaching the peak of success.

CHECK OUT more advice from Butz Bartolome:

A Former Kitchen Crew to Successful Entrepreneur | Butz Bartolome

How To Have Business Partners? | Butz Bartolome

CHECK OUT the Philippines’ top mentor Butz Bartolome as he discusses business matters and SHARE THIS STORY with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who need the advice.

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