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Getting Inspiration To Start Your Own Business | Butz Bartolome

Butz Bartolome shares business advice.

Just thinking about how you can have your own business can get you sleepless nights. While the excitement might be hitting the ceiling, there is a reality that you should be aware of – and that is, it’s not going to be that easy.

Do I sound discouraging? I hope not. I mentioned that it was not easy to become an entrepreneur because it is really not easy. With the right mindset, you will realize that it has been worth it despite all the difficulties.

Suppose you are among my followers of this weekly column. In that case, you may recall that I have often shared how to inspire individuals to start their own businesses. Although being an entrepreneur may not be for everyone, I would like to help those doubting themselves into doing that massive step in his life. If you plan to start your own business, then this article is for you.

First Things First

You need to ask yourself, “Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?” Do you find it difficult to answer or not? Those who might be a little shaky with their decision might respond as not being that sure. But, how can you really know if having your own business is for you?

You like to be in control. If you think that what you are doing now is holding you back from what you truly want, then probably it’s time to be in a different setting. Not everyone may have the power to lead and be followed.
You like earning more. We realize that although having a stable job can be an assurance that we can always put food on the table. As our family grows, it also means the need to increase our financial capacity. And so, with that, we could not just rely on having to work a 9 to 5 job.

You are a risk-taker. Now, this doesn’t mean just going ahead with whatever comes to mind without further thinking. But weighing down the pros and cons and then coming up with a decision. For others, your choices may be too much for them. But, for you, you choose to work out everything possible to make things happen.

You prefer being alone. Not that you would rather totally seclude yourself from society. But, probably, you are most creative when you are on your own.
You don’t want to waste time. I know some people who would have great ideas; however, they remain ideas until they are forgotten. But with an entrepreneurial mind, for him, time is gold, and anything that he wants to achieve, he will immediately take action.

You like reaching for new goals. You are not satisfied being in just one place. You would instead find ways how you can take another step for you to succeed.

You know how to spend money. Most often than not, you try to make money even for just the most minor thing, which others may not even realize. Unknowingly, even at a very young age, you would buy something and sell them even for a small profit. You know the importance of money, which is why you use your creative mind to lessen the costs and learn how to budget wisely.

You are confident. To be an entrepreneur, you should be the first person to believe in your capabilities. Boosting your morale makes you work harder to achieve your goals. It is not about reaching it immediately but making sure that you are going through the right path.

After reading all these, how do you feel? Has it ignited your desire to start becoming your own boss? Indeed, it can be a difficult start, but remember that you are never alone in this. You can reach out to people who can give you advice on how to start your business and even help you choose the perfect company for you.

Should you need advice on starting with your business, shoot me an email or message and I’d gladly respond as soon as I can.

CHECK OUT more advice from Butz Bartolome:

The Business Environment with the Important P’s | Butz Bartolome

The Evolution of a Successful Entrepreneur | Butz Bartolome

CHECK OUT the Philippines’ top mentor Butz Bartolome as he discusses business matters and SHARE THIS STORY with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who need the advice.

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