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Pinay nurse marathoner helps fatigued fellow runner finish 10k London race

Filipina senior critical care nurse Harrieth Kay Amores lends a helping hand to a fellow runner in the ASICS London 10k Run. Photos from ASICS London 10K via Erick Von Parreño Fredeluces FB, University of Greenwich website.

Filipina nurse Harrieth Kay Amores went above and beyond the call of duty by helping a fellow marathon runner who almost collapsed in the middle of the ASICS London 10k Run in the United Kingdom.

The senior critical care nurse at Cleveland Clinic London was proudly donning the Philippine flag as she went the extra mile to assist a woman who was suffering from fatigue and was about to pass out.

The Filipina nurse’s selfless act was captured in a photo shared on social media by her colleague, Erick Von Parreño Fredeluces, in a now-viral Facebook post.

The photo taken during the July 10, 2022 event in London shows both Amores and another race participant helping a struggling woman continue the race.

According to Fredeluces, Amores was all set to break her previous record in the recent run when she stopped to help a fellow runner experiencing exhaustion due to fatigue and the scorching heat in London.

“Amores claimed she was aiming to beat her previous 10K record of 1 hour and 3 minutes so she anticipated to be faster this time. Apparently her ‘caregiver calling’ was too loud to ignore as she dropped everything, risking not to achieve her goal, just to be of help to the lady in need,” Erick Fredeluces wrote in a Facebook post on July 11, 2022.

Amores was able to help the lady runner finish the race while still beating her personal record after registering a race result of 59:56.

“She helped her fellow runner push with determination until they stepped onto the glory of the finish line. Admiringly, she still victoriously ended beating her previous time record by steadfastly achieving 59 minutes!” Fredeluces continued.

The ICU nurse said that the cheers of fellow Filipinos in the crowd motivated her to finish the race.

“She said ‘Naririnig ko mga cheers ng mga kapwa ko Pinoy saying, Go ate kaya mo yan. Nakakaproud lang. ( I can hear the cheers of my fellow Filipinos saying, Go you can do it)’,” Fredeluces added.

Fredeluces’ Facebook post about the Filipina nurse’s good deed has amassed over 14,000 reactions and 2,600 shares on Facebook as of this writing.

Fredeluces also revealed that the Filipina nurse is preparing to take on a hike to Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the Seven Summits and the world’s tallest freestanding mountain which was previously conquered by another Filipino team in an obstacle course.

More stories of Filipinos doing good deeds include surfer Roger Casugay who saved a fellow SEA Games competitor from drowning and champion triathlete Romeo “Oreo” Puncia who organized a triathlon event for a cause to support frontline workers and commuters in the Philippines.

SEND CHEERS in the comments below to Filipina nurse Harrieth Kay Amores for helping a fellow runner who almost collapsed in the middle of the ASICS London 10k Run in the United Kingdom!

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