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How Morissette remains positive despite the challenges in life | Positivitrix

Positivitrix shares new tips to give you positive energy. Positivitrix video screengrab

How can you remain positive despite the challenges in life?

I’ve been sharing with you tips and tricks for many years now and it’s time that we involve more guests and learn from others who walk the talk!

Listen to the tips shared by one of the best singers in our country, Asia’s Phoenix, Morissette Amon, in the first-ever PositiviTrix Express- Tips & Tricks to Keep You Positive!

Can you share 1 tip that you’d want to add to Morisette’s tips?

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​MORE tips from Positivitrix:

My wish is to be no. 1 but there’s a voice inside saying it’s just too hard! Can you relate? | Positivitrix

I interviewed singer Morissette Amon and this is what we talked about | Positivitrix

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